Dr. Daniella Biondic
C. Psych
School and Clinical Child Psychologist
Dr. Biondic is a school and clinical psychologist registered in Ontario. She received her M.A. and Ph.D from OISE at the University of Toronto and completed her doctoral internship at the London Clinical Psychology Residency Consortium. Over the past 10 years, Dr. Biondic has provided psychoeducational and diagnostic assessments and treatment to children and youth in school, hospital, and community-based settings across Southern Ontario. Over the last 5 years, Dr. Biondic has conducted psychoeducational assessments and provided ongoing consultation to remote, fly-in communities in Northwestern Ontario and has provided professional development and training to educators based in remote and underserved communities in Southern and Northern Ontario and Nunavut.
Dr. Biondic has delivered workshops on topics that include proactive behavioural interventions and classroom management strategies, student mental health and creating trauma-sensitive classrooms, and stress-management and self-care for educators to address challenges associated with workplace burnout and compassion fatigue.
At Bright Lights, Dr. Biondic specializes in conducting psychoeducational assessments and treating mental health challenges such as: self-esteem, anxiety and mood-related disorders; early attachment disturbance; and complex trauma. Her area of expertise is in mental health support and trauma.