Dr. Elizabeth McEwen
C. Psych
School and Clinical Psychologist
Dr. McEwen is a school and clinical psychologist registered in Ontario. She received her M.A. and Ph.D. from OISE/University of Toronto and completed her doctoral internship at Surrey Place. Dr. McEwen has experience providing assessment, intervention, and consultation services to children and adolescents in school, private practice, and community-based settings.
At Bright Lights, Dr. McEwen provides comprehensive psychoeducational assessments and treats mental health concerns in children and adolescents including anxiety and mood-related disorders, self-esteem, interpersonal challenges, emotional and behavioural dysregulation, and attachment-related difficulties. Dr. McEwen also provides support to caregivers using an emotion-focused family therapy framework.
Dr. McEwen prioritizes a compassionate, client-centered approach that integrates a variety of evidence-based treatments to best suit clients’ needs. Dr. McEwen works extensively with clients with neurodiversity, including autism, attentional disorders, and learning disabilities, with a neurodiversity-affirming practice.