Dr. Sarah Gray
C. Psych
School and Clinical Psychologist
Dr. Gray is a school and clinical psychologist registered in Ontario. She received her M.A. and Ph.D from OISE at the University of Toronto and completed her doctoral internship at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario in Ottawa.
Dr. Gray has been working with children and their parents and teachers for over ten years in several settings: private practice, school board, community mental health, and hospital. She has also taught courses within the School and Clinical Child Psychology program at the University of Toronto. She has had the pleasure of travelling to several remote communities in Northern Ontario, where she conducted psychological assessments and collaborated with teachers and school personnel to provide academic and mental health support to students of all ages.
Dr. Gray is passionate about helping young people identify their strengths and challenges so they can use that knowledge to grow and thrive. She provides therapy, parent consultation, and psychoeducational and diagnostic assessments that support student’s academic and social- emotional development.
At Bright Lights, Dr. Gray specializes in providing comprehensive assessments and support for mental health and relationship challenges, including anxiety and mood-related disorders, Autism Spectrum Disorders (formerly Asperger’s Disorder), learning disabilities, obsessive compulsive behaviours, attention difficulties, parent-child relationship challenges and family stress such as divorce. She enjoys working with children and adolescents of all ages, with a particular interest in issues arising in early childhood.